Pythia Guidance Readings Simplified: How They Found Me!

Pythia Guidance Readings Simplified: How They Found Me!


Where it Began!

Question? What are Pythia Guidance Readings, & How Did I get to them? Years ago my coven did a full moon working that I lead on Intuitive Divination. That year my coven had drawn the Shark Card to work with and the message of the Shark Card was to “Trust your instincts to discern the truth of the situation”. When I was preparing for that full moon I tried to think of how we can trust our instincts and where we could learn to trust them more, and our Intuitive Divination Moon was born.

“Trust your instincts to discern the truth of the situation”

Shark Card, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides, by Steven D Farmer

That year everyone picked a divinatory tool and gave a blind reading to another member of the coven. We had to do the reading without knowing what the question was and without any hits during the reading, then afterward the querent told us how close we were to the answers. Each coven member was tasked with asking simple questions one that they had enough answers to help the reader understand what they did right and what they did wrong. It turned out that most of us were pretty spot on, that indeed we could trust our instincts to discern the truth. 

Greenman & World Cards, Chrysalis Deck
Emperor & World Card, Chrysalis Deck

My Journey to Pythia Guidance Readings

Over the 20 years, I have been a witch, I have read books on tarot, taken tarot classes, and done readings for friends, family, and myself, but I truly never completely connected with the system. Something always felt missing. Along the line, I found the Chrysalis Deck which spoke to me as no other deck had before, it also seems to have a different energy. An example would be that the Chrysalis Decks Emperor Card is represented by the Greenman, not the Kingly figure usually associated with the card. Added to that the World Card was represented by Psyche, one of my patron goddesses. Because of that deck’s energy and the intuitive divination moon, I began reading the cards differently and suddenly I found myself more attuned to what they were saying.

Reading for the Public

Pythia of Delphi
Via Carmen Pythia Class

Still, it would be years before I was in a position to read publicly, and before I got there I found once again thanks to my coven sisters, the Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple, and Yeshe Matthew’s Via Carmen Pythia Class. In this two-year program, Yeshe teaches us to work with a different divinatory tool each month and you learn to incorporate them into your readings. Things finally completely clicked into place. The missing pieces, the things that didn’t work for me, suddenly did, because I was connecting to more than just the cards I was tapping into the stream of guidance versus trying to tap into the divinatory aspect of a tarot reader. 


I will probably never be the kind of reader that looks at any divination and sees only the answers. Instead, I see the choices, I see the transformations and the crossroads that come. I see potential outcomes, I have come to understand that this is the kind of reading I am meant to do. So I embraced it and Pythia Guidance Readings became a thing, my thing.

How do Pythia Guidance Readings Work?

So how does it work? Funny enough because I lean on intuition a lot it can work a little differently each time. That being said, in my long and largest reading I use 3 decks, 1 tarot deck, and 2 oracle decks. I have created my own expanded version of a Celtic cross and incorporated the oracle decks to provide additional information. I also use lithomancy (stones), osteomancy (bones), astragalomancy (dice), ceromancy (wax divination), and a variety of other tools as the reading requires. It is a growing learning system because we all continue to learn and grow, but each tool, each divination system provides a little more answers to help discern the truth of what we are looking for.

Pythia Guidance Reading Layout
Pythia Guidance Reading

I have now been working with this spread for almost a year and what I have learned is that no matter what the meaning of the card, no matter how many times I see a card or it comes up in a reading, how many times I see a stone, or bone combination when my gut says to ignore that meaning, this should mean (insert intuitive feeling), then I know to listen to my instincts and intuition. 

Trusting Myself

It’s been almost 10 years since that shark card changed my tarot reading style. Almost 10 years of learning to trust my intuition, of working with tarot cards, and oracles to learn their meanings and how they should be read. It’s been just over 2 and a half years since my world changed enough that I have been able to read publicly and charge for my services, and that long since I began Via Carmen Pythia, a program I completed last year. My road from that first intuitive divination moon to now has been long and winding and full of surprises, but it has led me to my Pythia Guidance Readings and the start of a new life as an Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple Sybil. I can only imagine what my future holds in store for me and for that I am grateful. Because If I could see my future, I wouldn’t need my intuition and I wouldn’t be able to help others in the now, help others see what roads are available to them, what choices they have, and I know that is my path.

I am a priestess of transitions and transformations, a priestess of the liminal spaces, a priestess of Psyche and Hekate, and with their guidance, I am here to help others in this world. 


Upcoming Events 

March 21st, 2023 – Online New Moon Noumenia Honoring Hekate – Email: or Online Hekate Noumenia Registration Form

June 8-11, 2023 – Summer Magick Fest – Hekate Devotional, Orlando, FL –